
Poster Session – 15:00 – 18:00

S1-P1        Jitter measurements in a 1550 nm mode-locked laser
Andrei Drăgulinescu1, Robert Herda2, Mircea Guină2
1’Politehnica’ University of Bucharest, Romania
2ORC, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland

S1-P2        Simulations of 462 nm InGaN quantum well semiconductor lasers
Andrei Drăgulinescu1, Antti Laakso2, Mihail Dumitrescu2, Mircea Guină2
1’Politehnica’ University of Bucharest, Romania
2ORC, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
S1-P3        Hydrotalcite-like anionic clays substituted with iron / laccase, composites for biosensors applications
Gabriela Carja, Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Apostolescu, Sofronia Dranca, Nicolae Apostolescu
"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania

S1-P4        Advanced new materials with various applications
Radu-Claudiu Fierascu, Rodica-Mariana  Ion,           Irina Dumitriu
ICECHIM, and Valahia University, Targoviste, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Mecathronics and Robotics, Targoviste, Romania

S1-P5        The physicochemical properties of polyurethane membranes determined by swelling measurements
Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Carja,                           Gabriela Apostolescu, Nicolae Apostolescu
"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania

S1-P6        Pin-in-paste DFM constraints in vapor phase soldering technology for optoelectronic components 
Ion Plotog, G. Varzaru, C. Turcu1, T. C. Cucu,                  Paul Svasta, Alexandru Vasile
Politehnica University of Bucharest - (UPB-CETTI), Romania
1Intrarom S.A, Bucharest, Romania

S1-P7        Atomic absorption spectrophotometry for the analysis of metal contents in tobacco samples
Ovidiu Iancu, Paul Schiopu, Ionica Cristea,              Vlad Voinea, Neculai Grosu, Alexandru Craciun
Politehnica University of Bucharest, UPB-CCO, Bucharest, Romania

S1-P8        The activation energy and kinetic of the nanocrystallization process of Al85 Ni9 Nd4Co2 amorphous alloy
V.A. Serban,  C. Codrean, C. Opris, D. Utu, M. Lita
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

S1-P9        Preparation of titanium dioxide films by sol-gel route for gas sensors
Vasilica Schiopu, Alina Matei, Ileana Cernica,
Cecilia Podaru  
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Bucharest, Romania

S1-P10      Load capacitance effect on frequency-temperature characteristics of AT-cut quartz crystals
Adrian Anghelescu
Rom-Quartz, Bucharest, Romania

S1-P11      Preparation and characterization of TiO2 – polymer composite films
Alina Matei, Ileana Cernica, Vasilica Schiopu
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtehnologies (IMT), Bucharest, Romania

S1-P12      New actuation systems based on shape memory alloys
Dan Mandru, Ion Lungu, Simona Noveanu,              Olimpiu Tatar
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S1-P13      Synthesis and characterization of photochromic polymeric materials
Ionica Ioniţa1, Cristiana Rădulescu1, Elena Irina Moater1, Ana-Maria Albu2, Cornel Tărăbăşanu Mihăilă2
1University ’’Valahia’’ Targoviste, Romania
2Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

S1-P14      Material removal by the electrical microdischarges
Laurenţiu Slatineanu, Margareta Coteata, Oana Dodun, Dan Anton, Adrian Iosub
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iaşi, Romania

S1-P15      New coordination compounds of Cr(III) used in leather tanning
Marian Crudu1, Doina Sibiescu, Ioan Rosca, Daniel Sutiman, Mihaela Vizitiu, Gabriela Apostolescu
1INCDTP Bucuresti, Romania
“Gh. Asachi” University, Iasi, Romania

S1-P16      Studies of obtaining and stability in aqueous medium of new complex compounds of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) used in ecological leather tanning
Marian Crudu1, Doina Sibiescu, Ioan Rosca, Daniel Sutiman, Mihaela Vizitiu, Gabriela Apostolescu
1INCDTP Bucuresti, Romania
“Gh. Asachi” University, Iasi, Romania

S1-P17      Electrochemical atomic force microscopy in supporting the control of diffusion process
M. Mîndroiu,  I. Demetrescu
University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania

S1-P18      Influence of the light irradiation on optical characteristics of As2(SxSe1-x)3 thin films obtained from chemical solutions
M. S. Iovu, S. A. Buzurniuc, V. I. Verlan, A. Prisacari,  L. Malahov1
Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
1Institute of Mathematics of ASM, Republic of Moldova

S1-P19      Nanostructured gold/porous silicon substrate for SERS
Teodora Ignat1, Irina Kleps1, Roberto Munoz2, Mihaela Miu1, Isabel Obieta2, Adina Bragaru1, Monica Simion1
1National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Laboratory of Nanotechnology, IMT-Bucharest, Romania
2Inasmet Foundation,  Department of Biomaterials and Nanotechnologies, , Mikeletegi Pasealekua 1, Teknologi Parkea, San Sebastián, Spain

S1-P20      Investigation of Critical Curves in SAF Structures
Cristina Stefania Olariu, Alexandru Stancu
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University,  Iasi, Romania

S1-P21      Polymer fibers geometry and orientation in textile composites
Daniel-Sorin Chirtes, Zorica Bacinschi
University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania

S1-P22      The temperature dependence of Ising-Preisach system
Cristian Rotarescu, Alexandru Stancu
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania

S1-P23      Nanodetection of the disinfection by-products on GC-MS techniques
Dumitru Ristoiu, Kovacs Melinda-Haydee, Tania Ristoiu1
Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1Universitatea Tehnica, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S1-P24      Model for complex hysteresis in molecular magnets
Cristian Enachescu, Laurentiu Stoleriu, Alexandru Stancu, Andreas Hauser1
Department of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
1Department de Chimie Physique, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland.

S1-P25      The kinetic of the two-photon lasing with one and two quanta cavity losses
Nicolae Enaki, Marina Turcan
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

S1-P26      Photoacoustic technique application for concrete hydration diagnostics
Mykhaylo P. Gorsky, Peter P.Maksimyak,              Andrew P.Maksimyak
Correlation Optic Dept., Chernivtsi national university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

S1-P27      Control of new manipulator in microfactory
Ion Lungu, Dan Mândru, Simona Noveanu,                Vencel Csibi
 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S1-P28      New hot wire anemometer with alternate current and synchronic detection used to velocity measurement in boundary layer
Monica Stoian1, Adil Rachek2, Mihai Chirtoc2
1Constanta Maritime University of Romania
2Reims University of France

S1-P29      New technologies and applications at the EDM process
M. Popa, Gl. Contiu, M. Precup, D. Preja, Ov.Gaina
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S1-P30      Optical correlation study of liquid crystal – polymer composites
Leonid O. Dolgov1, Oleg V. Yaroshchuk1, Peter P. Maksymyak2, Andrei L. Negrych2
1Institute of Physics, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Correlation Optics Dept, Chernivtsi University, Ukraine

S1-P31      Theoretical and experimental study of rotational hysteresis method
Alexandru Stancu, Laurentiu Stoleriu, Iulian Petrila
Department of Physics, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi Romania

S1-P32      Characterization of Ag-bacterial cellulose nanocomposites films
Anicuta Stoica-Guzun, Marta Stroescu, Dobre Tanase, Mona Levai1
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
1Technical university of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania

S1-P33      Magnetic relaxation and hysteretic processes in nanostructured systems
Alexandru Stancu
Department of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi, Romania

S1-P34      Simulation of magnetization curves with Preisach Model for Patterned Media–Néel type model
Ilie Bodale, Alexandru Stancu
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Department of Physics & CARPATH, Iasi, Romania

S1-P35      High performance humidity sensing nanomaterials based on lithium ferrite
C. Doroftei1, E. Rezlescu, N. Rezlescu, P. D. Popa
1Faculty of Physics, A.I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
Institute of Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania

S1-P36      Nanostructured systems which exhibits a fairly large magnetoresistance near room temperature
C. Doroftei1, E. Rezlescu, N. Rezlescu, P. D. Popa
1Faculty of Physics, A.I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
Institute of Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania

S1-P37      Theoretical approach of chemical composition effects on Fatigue-Creep resistance of leaf free solder joints
Fuad M. Khoshnaw  
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University-UK

S1-P38      Copper nanoroads electrodes for reduction of carbon dioxide reduction
Maria Jitaru, Mariana Toma, Romulus Jitaru
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S1-P39      Synthesis of Ce-La mixed oxides for catalytic applications
Nicolae Apostolescu, Gabriela Carja, Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Apostolescu
“Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania

S1-P40      Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline Co-Ce mixed oxide powder by solid state reaction
Gabriela Apostolescu, Gabriela Carja, Gabriela Ciobanu, Nicolae Apostolescu
“Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania

S1-P41      Expert system for molded polymeric material
Alexandra Nita
Constanta Maritime University Mircea cel Batrân, Constanta, Romania

S1-P42      Interference of cooperative resonance fluorescence from two distant systems of atoms
Galeamov Elena, Enaki Nicolae
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

S1-P43      Optical absorption and photoconductivity of As2Se3:Sn and Sb2Se3:Sn thin film structures
M.A.Iovu, M.S.Iovu, I.A.Vasiliev, D.V.Harea, I.A.Cojocaru, E.P.Colomeico, S.Z.Rebeja,
Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova

S1-P44      Restoration of the scalar field on the base of the analysis of intensity stationary points network
Yu. Galushko, Igor Mokhun
Chernivtsy University, Ukraine


S2-P1        Nano-β-tricalcium phosphate/collagen materials with improved biostability for bone replacement applications
Oana Craciunescu, Lucia Moldovan, Elena Oprita, Mirela Balan, Alexandra Gaspar, Florin Leau2, Christu Tardei1
National Institute of Reserch and Development for Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania
1ICPE-CA, 313, Bucharest, Romania
2USAMV, Bucharest, Romania

S2-P2        Experimental study aiming to establish specific characteristics of stationary optical processes
Corina Gruescu, Constantin Dumache1, Ioan Nicoara, Elena Tonea2
University Politehnica Timisoara, Romania
1S.C. Optica Timisoara, Romania
2University of Agricultural Sciencies “Banatul” Timisoara, Romania

S2-P3        Binary neuron with optical devices
Vasile Degeratu, Ştefania Degeratu, Paul Şchiopu1
O2Micro Romania, Bucharest, Romania, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

S2-P4        Modelling of the Bragg gratings fabricated on Er3+-doped Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguides
L. A. Puscas, E. M. Rotar, R. Galatus1, N. N. Puscas2
Institute for Electrotechnics, Bucharest, Romania
1Basis of Electronics Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2Physics Department, University ''Politehnica'' Bucharest, Romania

S2-P5        Surface structure of CdS layer at the interface of CdS-SnO2 junction and the diagram of surface states
I. Caraman, I. Lazar, M. Caraman D. Rusu –
The University of Bacau, Romania

S2-P6        Nano-metrology of macro-systems
Florin Garoi, Dan Apostol, Paul Schiopu1, Petre C. Logofatu, Victor Damian
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania
1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

S2-P7        White light interferometry applications in nanometrology
Victor Damian, Mihaela Bojan, Paul Schiopu1,
Iuliana Iordache, Bogdan Ionita, Dan Apostol
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania
1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

S2-P8        High accuracy length measuring set up for optical encoder calibration
Iuliana Iordache, O. Iancu1, P. Schiopu1, D. Apostol
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania
1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

S2-P9        The investigation of thrombus formation process by Lyapunov's index of scattered coherent radiation
M.S.Gavrylyak, S. G. Guminetsky, P.M. Grygoryshyn, P.P. Maksimyak, M.V.Shaplavskyi1
Correlation Optics Dept, Chernivtsi University, Ukraine
1Chernivtsi medical University, Ukraine

S2-P10      Quasi-periodic structure analysis by digital holography
M. Mihailescu, A. Preda, A. Sobetkii1, E. Scarlat,         L. Preda
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania
1“Opticoat” SRL, Bucharest Romania

S2-P11      Photoluminescence properties of CdS/PVA nanocomposite thin films
G. Lazar, I. Caraman, I. Lazar, M. Stamate, P. Gaşin1,  S. Robu1
Bacau University, Romania 
1Moldova State University, Chşinău, Rep. Moldova

S2-P12      Investigation of a fractal dimension of the field diffracted by two-dimensional fractals
Peter P.Maksimyak, Alexander P.Maksimyak,
Keteryna I.Nestina
Correlation Optics Dept., Chernivtsy University, Ukraine

S2-P13      Wideband array processing with constant beam pattern beyond the spatial sampling limit
Alireza Shapoury1, Erchin Serpedin2
1Physical Optics Corp., 20600 Gramercy Place Building 100, Torrance
2Electrical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, USA

S2-P14      Combinational logical circuits into ternary logic
Vasile Degeratu, Ştefania Degeratu,
Paul Şchiopu1
O2Micro Romania, Bucharest, Romania, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania


S3-P1        Shallow acceptors in a quantum well under intense laser fields
Adrian Radu, Ecaterina C. Niculescu,
Liliana M. Burileanu
Department of Physics, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

S3-P2        Mössbauer backscattering measurements on Sn
I. Bibicu1, G. Nicolescu2, C. Cretu3
1Institute for Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania
2National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania
3Physics Department, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania

S3-P3        Effects of laser field on the energy spectra in GaAs parabolic quantum wells
Liliana M. Burileanu, Ecaterina C. Niculescu,
Adrian Radu
Department of Physics, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

S3-P4        A two paths mode-locked fiber laser
Ionut Romeo Schiopu
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

S3-P5        Size effects and hysteresis in a random anizotropy ising system
Cristian Enachescu, Alexandru Stancu
Department of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University,  Iasi, Romania

S3-P6        Implementation of a SVM classifier
Szolga Lorant Andras,  Festila Lelia
UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S3-P7        The Preisach distribution derived from the local hysterons dynamic in nanoparticulate systems
R. Tanasa, A. Stancu
University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Department of Physics, Iasi, Romania

S3-P8        New developments in the field of hybrid nanostructured materials for potential applications as biosensors
R.M.Piticescu, M.L.Popescu, C. Rusti, E. Vasile1
National R&D Institute for Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals, Romania
1S.C METAV C-D Bucharest, Romania
S3-P9        The modern instrumentation used for monitoring and controlling the main parameters of the regenerative electro-mechano–hydraulic drive systems
Corneliu Cristescu, Petrin Drumea, Petrica Krevey
The Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute- INOE Bucharest, Romania
S3-P10      On-line interactive virtual experiments on nanoscience
Manuella Kadar, Ioan Ileană, Constantin Hutanu
”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

S3-P11      Developing a SPICE component based on simulation model of ZnO nanowire transistor
Alin Grama, Ovidiu Pop, Lacrimioara Grama
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S3-P12      Microhardness of Nanocrystalline CoW Coatings on Copper Wafer
Institute of Applied Physics, Moldavian Academy of Sciences, Chisinau, Moldova

S3-P13      Experimental study of the spectral modifications induced by scattering of a white-light beam at rough surfaces
A.A. Chernyshov, Ch.V. Felde, H.V. Bogatyryova,           P.V. Polyanskii
Correlation Optics Dept, Chernivtsi National University, Kotsyubinsky Str. 2, 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine

S3-P14      Magnetic resonance investigations of nanostructured Zn1-x TMxO (TM=Mn, Fe, CO) magnetic semiconductor
O. Raita, A. Baldansuren1, A. Ene1, A. Popa, Al. Darabont, M.N. Grecu2, D. Toloman, R. R. Piticescu3, R. Piticescu3, L. M. Giurgiu
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1Institut fűr Physikalische Chemie Universität Stuttgart, Germany
2National Institute for Research and Development of Material Science, Magurele, Romania
3National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals, Bucharest, Romania

S3-P15      The Impact of Nanotechnology on Drinking Water Treatment Plants
Dumitru Ristoiu1 and T. Ristoiu2
1 „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2Technical University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


S4-P1        Nanodetection of the disinfection by-products on GC-MS techniques
Dumitru Ristoiu, Melinda-Haydee, Tania Ristoiu1
Universitatea Babes Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1Universitatea Tehnica, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S4-P2        Smart data acquisition system for utilities metering
I. Ileana, M. Risteiu, A. Tulbure, M. Rusu
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

S4-P3        The fuzzy system classifier using an intelligent mattress
Mihaela Hnatiuc, George Caruntu
Maritime University, Constanta, Romania

S4-P4        Time synchronization in wireless sensor networks
Qasim M. Chaudhari, Kyoung-Lae Noh,
Erchin Serpedin
Texas A&M University, College Station, USA.

S4-P5        Coupling devices for smart transducers with optical fiber link used in automotive industry
Alexandru Vasile, Irina Vasile1, Florin Caldararu2, Paul Schiopu3, Andrei Drumea, Adina Tapu
1Romtelecom s.a. Calea Victoriei 18 Bucharest, Romania
2Ecosen Ltd,Bucharest,OP 39, CP A20, sector 2, Bucharest, Romania
3Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
(UPB-CETTI), Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

S4-P6        Experimental research upon accommodating the functional parameters of a laser controlled system designed for a grading machinery with the actual operating conditions of the grading machinery
Teodor Costinel Popescu, Marian Blejan,
Gheorghe Şovăială
INOE 2000-IHP, Bucharest, Romania

S4-P7        Signal conditioner for LVDT displacement sensors
Marian Blejan, Ioana Ilie, Mircea Comes, Bogdan Lupu
INOE 2000-IHP, Bucharest, Romania

S4-P8        Mechatronic module for monitoring the hydraulic fluid parameters
Petrin Drumea, Marian Blejan, Ioana Ilie
INOE 2000-IHP, Bucharest, Romania

S4-P9        Recent developments in surface acoustic wave sensors
Paul Schiopu, Ionica Cristea, Neculai Grosu, Alexandru Craciun
Politehnica University of Bucharest - UPB-CCO, Romania

S4-P10      A global method for reliability estimation of heterogeneous systems
Alin Mihalache, Fabrice Guerin1, Mihaela Barreau1, Ioan Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov
1LASQUO, University of Angers, France
EUROQUALROM, University .Politehnica. of Bucharest, Romania

S4-P11      Magnetic/temperature sensors and their electrical transport properties
D. Luca, C. Mita, G. Paicu, N. Cimpoesu
“Ghe. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania

S4-P12     Developing a miniaturized continuous flow electrochemical cell for biosensor applications
Mihaela Ilie1,2, A. Coppa1, R. Dejana1, V. Foglietti1
1CNR/IFN, Rome, Italy
2Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania

S4-P13      Design of compliant mechanisms in the structure of mini and microsystems
Simona Noveanu, Ion Lungu, Vencel Csibi,
Dan Mândru
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S4-P14      Quality assurance and management in microelectronics companies: ISO 9000 versus                 Six Sigma
R.Lupan, A. Kobi1, I. Bacivarov, Angelica Bacivarov
1LASQUO, University of Angers, France
EUROQUALROM, University .Politehnica. of Bucharest, Romania

S4-P15      Multi-criteria optimization of 3 DOF translation micro parallel robots
Sergiu-Dan Stan, Vistrian Maties, Radu Bălan
Department of Mechatronics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

S4-P16      New approach in integrating smart sensors in distributing computing by analyzing transmission latency
M. Risteiu, I. Ileana, C. Hutanu, A.Tulbure
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

S4-P17      Thermo-vision dynamic studies of the human body behavior in gait processes
Mihaela Baritz, Luciana Cristea, Liliana Rogozea, Catalin Danaila, Diana Cotoros
University Transilvania, Brasov, Romania

S4-P18      The optimization of bipolar magnetotransistor structures
Mihaela Hnatiuc, George Căruntu
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

S4-P19      The offset equivalent magnetic induction for hall microsensors
Cornel Panait, George Căruntu
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

S4-P20      Study of the dark currents of some charge coupled devices housed in spectra video cameras
Erik Bodegom, Ralf Widenhorn, Dan Iordache1
Physics Department, Portland State University, Oregon, USA
1Physics Chair II, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania

S4-P21      Thermodynamic study of the nanostructured TiO2 obtaining by hydrothermal methods
R. M. Piticescu, R.R. Piticescu, Cristina Rusti,                M. Parvulescu, A. Motoc
National R&D Institute for Non Ferrous and Rare Metals – IMNR, Romania

S4-P22      Efficiency and applications
Vasile Postolica
Romanian Academy of Scientists, Bacau State University, Romania

S4-P23      On the stability of the semiconductors hall plates
George Căruntu, Cornel Panait
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

S4-P24      About the separation of contributions from spatial polarization and from correlation field modulations to intrinsic coherence
Oleg V. Angelsky, Claudia Yu. Zenkova1,
Peter P. Maksimyak, Alla O. Angelskaya
Department of Correlation Optics, Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
1Optics and Spectroscopy Department, Chernivtsi National University,  Ukraine

S4-P25      Mathematical model of temperature distribution field in electrical discharge machinig of structural ceramics composites
Constantin Opran, Mihaiela Iliescu
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Composites Products Laboratory, Romania

S4-P26      The SNB of Magnetic Microsensors
George Căruntu, Cornel Panait
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

S4-P27     Hardware simulator of a tin dioxide sensor array for urban pollution monitoring
Florin Caldararu1, Alexandru Vasile2,Silvia Caldararu3 
1Ecosen Ltd, Bucharest, Romania
2Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania
3National Agency for Dangerous Substances Bucharest, Romania

S4-P28     Development method using nanorobotics and fractal geometry
Raicu Gabriel
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

S4-P29     Measuring of a fuel injector in a supersonic air stream
Stan Liviu1, Ioan Calimanescu2, Nicolae Buzuchi1
1Constanta Maritime University, Romania
2Kalion Consulting, Constanta, Romania

S4-P30     Testing of a fuel injector in a supersonic air stream
Stan Liviu1, Ioan Calimanescu2, Nicolae Buzuchi1
1Constanta Maritime University, Romania 2Kalion Consulting, Constanta, Romania

S4-P31     Two basic types unipolar and bipolar for stepper motor driving
Ciucur Violeta Vali
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

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