Conference Program

23 - 26 August 2012, Constanta, Romania

Thursday 23 August
08.00-10.30 Registration, Accommodation
Distribution of the conference materials
10.30-10.45 Opening Session
10.45-13.15 Keynote Session
13.20 Photo Remember ATOM-N 2012, in front of the University Building
14.00-15.00 Lunch
15.30-18.30 Oral Session A: Diffractive, micro optics and optical signal processing
Oral Session B: Sensors. microsystems, and instruments
19.00 Welcome cocktail
Friday 24 August
09.00-12.30 Oral Session C: Advanced materials and new technologies
Oral Session D: Micronanophotonics and micronanotechnologies
10.40 Coffee
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-18.30 Posters Session 1
19.00 Dinner
Saturday 25 August
09.00-12.10 Oral Session E.1 Modeling, design and simulation
Oral Session E.2 Modeling, design and simulation
10.20 Coffee
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-17.00 Posters Session 2
17.00 Cultural Program 
Sunday 26 August
09:30 -11.00  Round Table
11:30  Closing Session