Conference Fee

Pre-registration fee (before August 01, 2016) is 220 EUR, and late registration fee (after August 1st, 2016) is 270 EUR; pre-registration fee for students is 170 EUR; pre-registration fee for accompanying persons (mandatory) is 150 EUR 100 EUR, and late registration fee is 200 EUR 125 EUR .

Registration fee includes the publishing (in Proceedings of SPIE) of only one paper. For the 2nd or 3rd paper, the author must pay for publishing 45 EUR per extra paper, in addition to the conference fee.

The conference fee includes the opening ceremony and welcome reception, full access to all technical (oral and poster) sessions, exhibition area, all meals (breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners), printed abstracts proceedings, Proceedings on CD and participation to the cultural programme.

The participants of the Conference should be aware that a hotel accomodation is not included into registration fees. Hotel reservation will be made according to participant’s arrival and departure plans.
The Organizing Committee can arrange cheaper, but not sufficiently comfortable dwelling. Student rooms are available at Constanta Maritime University - Nautical Training Centre.

Participants will pay the Conference Fee by bank transfer (bank commission is not included in the fee) to:

  • Beneficiary: Constanta Maritime University, Mircea cel Batran streat, no. 104, cod 900663, Constanta, Romania
  • Bank Name: BCR-Romanian Commercial Bank;
  • Bank Address: Strada Traian, nr.68, Constanta, Romania
  • Bank Account Number (IBAN): RO74RNCB0114032048140005
  • CUI: 2747321

For Romanian currency – LEI:

  • Beneficiar: Constanta Maritime University, Str. Mircea cel Batran nr. 104, cod 900663,Constanta,Romania
  • Adresa Bancii: Trezoreria Constanta, Strada Smardan, nr. 3
  • CUI: 2747321
  • (IBAN): RO74TREZ 2312 0F33 0500XXXX

Please indicate: for Conference ATOM-N2016.

Payment can be made at conference registration desk, cash.