Call for papers

First call for papers can be found here.

Official language of the conference: English

Purpose and objectives of this meeting:

The main goal of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for educators, researchers, engineers and students to report results, improvements and new apporaches for education ,research and development activity in advanced materials, nanotechnologies and optoelectronics. ATOM-N2018 with its truly international character promotes the development of relationaships between former central and eastern Europe and with countries from all parts of the globe.

Main Topics

  • advanced materials and new technologies;
  • nanoscience and nanoengineering;
  • photonics micro- and nanotechnologies;
  • optical signal processing;
  • diffractive and micro optics;
  • photonic materials and devices;
  • instruments, sensors and microsystems;
  • analysis and simulation
  • plasma methods and diagnostic used for surface treatments (special section)
  • biomedical optoelectronics (special section)


  • First call for papers: 28 February 2017
  • Abstract submission: 28 February 2018 Extended: 15 March 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: 25 April 2018
  • Manuscript due date for authors: 25 June 2018

Submission of papers

Authors are invited to submit electronically previously unpublished papers relevant to the conference topics. Papers will be reviewed upon one short paper (abstract) to be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts.

Authors should send a two page (A4) abstract of their work (in English only, in word or PDF format). Each submission should present clearly the novelty and signifiance of the contribution, a list of reference, and any figures or tables. A template for preparing abstracts can be found here.

A template for preparing the final paper can be found here.

Paper abstract will be reviewed for tehnical merit, content, and clearness by a composed Reviewer Committee under the leadership of the Conference Chair. Authors are expected to present their papers at the conference. One author may not present more than three papers. However, it will be not possible to publish a paper without having presented it.


Laptops and and data projector will be available for oral presentations, so it is welcome to give a Power Point or Acrobat presenation from usb or cd. For those presenters who prefer to use transparencies, the new head projector will be available. The poster area will be approximately 80cm hight by 80cm wide.The organizers will provide necessary materials for hanging posters.

Conference location

The conference will be held at Maritime University of Constanta, Nautical Training Centre (Sports and Marine Training Center).

Maritime University of Constanta is the main maritime technical university in Romania, offering advanced study programs in engineering, technology and management of maritime transport.

Maritime University of Constanta has long-standing 37 years old traditions dating back to the establishment of the Civil Maritime Institute in 1971.


City of Constanta is easily accesible by plane, train and car.

There are daily flights from Bucharest International Airport to Kogalniceanu airport

About six trains a day connect Bucharest to Constanta and the journey normally takes three hours.

The road distance to Bucharest is about 250km.


General conference e-mail:

Phone: +40 24 1617260, + 40 21 4024801
Fax: +40 24 1617260, + 40 21 4024801