Invited and plenary speakers
- Doina Manaila, Romania
- C.Yu. Zenkova, Ukraine
- D.I. Ivanskyi, Ukraine
- V.M. Tkachuk, Ukraine
- Octavian Danila, Romania
- Viorel Carcu, Romania
- Ana Barar, Romania
- Teodora Staicu, Romania
- Valery A. Loiko, Belarus
- Alexander V.Konkolovich, Belarus
- Alexander A. Miskevich, Belarus
- M.L. Pascu, Romania
- T. Tozar, Romania
- Nicolae Enaki, Moldova
- Marina Turcan, Moldova
- Sergiu Bazgan, Moldova
- V. Nastasa, Romania
- M.C. Chifiriuc, Romania
- Tatiana Plasari, Moldova
- Elena Starodub, Moldova
- Andrei Nistreanu, Moldova
- Carmen Ritoscu, Moldova
- Ion Mihailescu, Romania
- Emil Oanta, Romania
- Razvan Tamas, Romania
- Mirel Paun, Romania
- Dorin Dadarlat, Romania
- Carmen Tripon, Romania
- Izabell Craciunescu - Romania
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