General Information
The official language of the Conference is English.
The common way to rich Constanta is to fly to airport “Mihail Kogalnieanu” and travel from airport to Constanta by bus or by taxi.
Alternative way is to fly to Bucharest and travel to Constanta (240 Km) by train or by bus.
The registration desk will be open during 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. from August 26 to August 28, 2010 in the lobby of campus of the Constanta Maritime University.
Pre-registration fee (before August 01, 2010) is 200 EURO, and late registration fee is 250 EURO;
Registration fee for SPIE members will be reduced with 50 EURO;
Registration fee for accompanying persons is 75 EURO and for students is 50 EURO;
Registration fees include: participation in all scientific sessions at the Conference; printed materials of the Conference; banquet; coffee-breaks at sessions, and the main excursion programme.
There is the way for transferring the organizing fees to the Conference:
- Universitatea Maritima din Constanta; fiscal code 2747321
- Trezoreria Constanta: IBAN RO49TREZ231504601X000610
- BCR Bank: RO74 RNCB 0114 0320 4814 0005
The participants of the Conference should be aware that a hotel accomodation is not included into registration fees. Hotel reservation will be made according to participant’s arrival and departure plans.
Payment can be made at conference registration desk, cash - you will receive an invoice.
The Organizing Committee can arrange cheaper but not sufficiency comfortable dwelling. Student rooms are available.