26 - 29 August 2010, Constanta, Romania
Posters Session 2 - Saturday 28 August, 11:30 -13:30
PS 2-1 Optical Methods of Investigation for Book Papers Conservation with Nanoparticles
Sanda Maria Doncea1,2), Rodica Mariana Ion1,2), Alexandrina Nuta1), Raluca Munteanu1), Marius Ghiurea1)
1) National Research & Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry- ICECHIM, Bucharest;2) Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania
PS 2-2 Density of impurity states in coaxial GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well wires under non-resonant intense laser fields
A. Radu ; Department of Physics, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-3 Suspended polymeric photonic crystals – simulation and experimental results
R. Rebigan1, A. Dinescu1, C. Kusko1, R. Gavrila1, D. Cristea1, C. Obreja1, P. Schiopu2
1 IMT – Bucharest, Romania, 2 UPB – Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-4 Nanotechnology applied in archaeometry: restoration and conservation
Irina Dumitriu 1,2,Radu Claudiu Fierascu1,2), Rodica Mariana Ion1,2), Raluca Ioana Bunghez1,2), Mihai Cosmin Corobea1)
1 INCDCP-ICECHIM Bucharest, 2 Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
PS 2-5 Nano-engineered materials based on fullerenes: synthesis and biomedical applications
Radu Claudiu Fierascu1,2, Irina Dumitriu 1,2), Rodica Mariana Ion1,2), Monica Neagu3),Carolina Constantin3), Crina Stavaru4)
1) National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry, ICECHIM,Bucharest
2) Valahia University,Targoviste, 3) „Victor Babes” National Institute for Pathology and Biomedical Sciences, Bucharest, 4)INCDMI Cantacuzino,Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-6 Silver nanoparticles produced by green production method
Ioana-Raluca Bunghez1,2, Rodica-Mariana Ion1,2, Sanda Velea1, Lucia Ilie1, Radu-Claudiu Fierascu1,2, Irina Dumitriu1,2, Angela Dinu1, Simona Troncea1.
1) National R&D Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM Bucharest, 2) Valahia University of Targoviste
PS 2-8 Problems of Reversibility and Exact Solution in Cooperative Interaction of Radiators with Quantized Cavity Field ,
Nicolae Enaki, Tudor Roşca ,Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
PS 2-9 Simulating an optoelectronic sensor with intensity modulation using the PSpice – MATLAB/Simulink interface
Marian Vladescu, Norocel Codreanu, Andreea Bonea, Paul Svasta
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, UPB-CETTI,Romania
PS 2-10 Measurement of the Thermally-Induced Wavelength Drift Associated with Channel Switching in Tunable Lasers
Valentin I. Feies, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest,Romania
PS 2-11 SIM-GC-MS analysis of biochemical evolution in Amanita Genus
Dumitru Ristoiu1), Emoke Dalma Kovacs2), Codruta Cobzac2), Marcel Parvu3)
1) Faculty of Environmental Science 2) Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Cluj Napoca, 3) Faculty of Biology and Geology, Romania
PS 2-12 Nanoscale determination of ecotoxicological hall-mark in animal hair
Dumitru Ristoiu1), Melinda Haydee Kovacs1), Tania Ristoiu2)
1) Faculty of Environmental Science, Cluj Napoca, 2) Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca,Romania
PS 2-13 Lateral shearing interferometry with a deformable mirror for wavefront analysis
F. Garoi 1), D. Apostol 1) and P. Schiopu 2)
1) National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele ,2) Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-14 The recognition of graphical patterns invariant to geometrical transformation of the models
Ileană Ioan, Rotar Corina, Muntean Maria, Ceuca Emilian
Computer Science Department, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania
PS 2-15 Control device of tilt on two axes with adjustable field
Marian Blejan , Radu Radoi, Mircea Comes;
1)Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, INOE 2000 – IHP,Bucharest, ROMANIA
PS 2-16 Remote control of a small unmanned ground vehicle (SUGV)
Nicolae Irimie1, Alexandru Zorila2, Alexandru Nan3, Paul Schiopu4
1,2,3 S.C. IOR SA Bucharest ,4 Politehnica University of Bucharest,Romania
PS 2-17 High accuracy laser based machine vision for calibration of linear encoders and dial instruments
Iuliana IORDACHE1, Paul SCHIOPU2, Dan APOSTOL1, Victor. DAMIAN1,
1National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics,2Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-18 Harmonic currents and their effects
Ciucur Violeta-Vali, Dumitrescu Carmen;
Dept. of Electrotechnics, Electronics and Informatics , Constanta Maritime University, Romania
PS 2-19 Model of the Electron Transfer in the Donor-Acceptor Nanocluster under Periodic Electromagnetic Field.
O.V.Yaltychenko ; Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
PS 2-20 Calculating the Indoor Dose Deposited by γ-Photons Using GEANT4
Danut Argintaru1, Valerica Baban2, Eliodor Constantinescu1
1Constanta Maritime University, 2High School “Ovidius”, Constanta, Romania
PS 2-21 Calculating the Outdoor Dose Deposited by γ-Photons Using GEANT4
Danut Argintaru1, Valerica Baban2, Eliodor Constantinescu1
1Constanta Maritime University, 2High School “Ovidius”, Constanta, Romania
PS 2-22 Main noise characteristics for MOS Hall plates
George Căruntu, Cornel Panait; Maritime University of Constantza, Romania
PS 2-23 Mean square value of noise equivalent magnetic induction for magnetic microsensors
Cornel Panait,Razvan Tams, George Căruntu, Maritime University of Constantza, Romania
PS 2-24 Resolution Capacity of Hall Microsensors in MOS Structures
George Căruntu, Cornel Panait,Irina Căruntu; Maritime University of Constantza,Romania
PS 2-24 Bridge type and cantilever type mems switch structures
D. Vasilache1,2, G.Boldeiu2, V. Moagar2, C. Tibeica2
1 FBK-irst Trento, Via Sommarive 18, 38123 Povo Trento, Italy; 2 IMT – Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-25 MEMS Switch for 60 GHz Band
D.Vasilache1,2, G.Constantinidis3, M.Dragoman2, A. Takacs4, F.Vladoianu5, T.Kostopoulos3,
G. Boldeiu2, V. Moagar2, C.Tibeica2, L.Bary4, R.Plana4
1 FBK-irst Trento, Via Sommarive 18, 38123 Povo Trento, Italy,
2 IMT – Bucharest, 126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae str., 077190 Bucharest, Romania;
3 FORTH-IESL-MRG Heraklion, PO Box 1527, Crete, Greece;
4 LAAS-CNRS Université de Toulouse, 7 avenue, Col. Roche, Toulouse, France;
5 RFID Solutions, Campia Libertatii 64, 030367, Bucharest Romania
PS 2-26 Effect of pulse number on the ablation rate of metals in PLA multi-pulse regime
C. Negutu, I. Vladoiu, M. Stafe, A. Rizea, N. N. Puscas, I. M. Popescu
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Physics Department, Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-27 Three dimensional image signals - processing methods
Paul Schiopu, Adrian Manea, Neculai Grosu, Anca-Ileana Craciun, Alexandru Craciun,
Politehnica University of Bucharest - Optoelectronics Research Center Bucharest UPB-CCO,Romania
PS 2-28 Mössbauer measurements on SnSe2
I. Bibicu , A. Lőrinczi, M. Popescu
Institute for Materials Physics, Bucharest 077125, Romania,
PS 2-29 Implementing a Capacitive Pressure Sensor Realized on LTCC
Cosmin Tămaş, Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu, Alexandru Vasile
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques,Romania
PS 2-30 Advantages and disadvantages of two different photonic logical circuits based on double-slit interferometer ; Vasile Degeratu 1),2), Ştefania Degeratu1),2), Paul Şchiopu2)
1) O2Micro Romania, Bucharest; 2) University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Romania
PS 2-31 Comparison between two photonic logical circuits based on nonlinear photonic devices
Vasile Degeratu 1),2), Ştefania Degeratu1),2), Paul Şchiopu2)
1) O2Micro Romania, Bucharest; 2) University Politehnica of Bucharest,Romania
PS 2-32 Wind energy evaluation and solution for home applications
E. Ceuca, A. Tulbure I. Ileana, Gh. Brezeanu ,C. Covaciu
University 1 DECEMBRIE 1918 Alba Iulia, Romania
PS 2-33 Real Time Control Open Systems of 5 DOF Nano-Manipulators
Luige VLADAREANU 1) Alexandru VASILE 2)
1Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics,2Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-34 Biometric multi-mode systems
Petre Stroica 1), Cristian Ionescu 2) ; 1SOEL Communications, Bucharest, 2Electromagnetica GoldStar, Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-35 Wireless sensor for temperature and humidity measurement
Andrei Drumea , Paul Svasta ; “Politehnica” University Bucharest,Romania
PS 2-36 An overview on biometric identification methods and implementations
Petre Stroica, Marian Vladescu; SOEL Comunications S.R.L.,Bucharest,Romania
PS 2-37 VOCs Monitoring System Simulation and Design
Florin Caldararu1), Alexandru Vasile2), Cosmin Vatra3)
1Ecological University,Environmental Engineering Department, 2Politehnica University Bucharest, 3MRU Instruments Romania
PS 2-38 Comparison of Two LTCC Pressure Sensors
Cosmin Tămaş , Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu, Alexandru Vasile
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques,Romania
PS 2-39 Rain Sensor for Automatic Systems on Vehicles
Alexandru Vasile1), Irina Vasile1), Adrian Nistor1), Luigi Vladareanu2), Mihaela Pantazica1), Florin Caldararu3), Andreea Bonea1) Andrei Drumea1), Ioan Plotog1)
1University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, Bucharest,
2Acad Romana, Inst Solid Mech, Bucharest ,3Ecological University, Environmental Engineering Department,Romania
PS 2-40 Energy evaluation and lightning for the new fluorescent lamps
E. Ceuca, A. Tulbure I. Ileana ; University 1 DECEMBRIE 1918,Alba Iulia, Romania
PS 2-41 Optimization of hydrostatic transmissions by means of virtual instrumentation technique
Dragos Daniel Ion Guta, Teodor Costinel Popescu, Catalin Dumitrescu
1) INOE 2000-IHP, Bucharest,Romania,
PS 2-42 Integration of optoelectronics and SAW technology
Paul Schiopu, Neculai Grosu, Adrian Manea, and Alexandru Craciun
Politehnica University of Bucharest - Optoelectronics Research Center, Bucharest, Romania
PS 2-42 Quality Politics - An Immaterial Investment for Companies in (Micro)Electronics
R. Lupan#, C. Robledo#, I.C. Bacivarov*, Angelica Bacivarov*
#LASQUO Laboratory, ISTIA Angers, France
*EUROQUALROM Laboratory, ETTI, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania