ATOM-N 2022

25 - 28 August 2022, Constanta, Romania

The 11th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies"

Organized by

  • UPB-CCO - Optoelectronics Research Center from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
  • Constanta Maritime University


It is mandatory to upload your poster in PDF format in the website section Poster presentations before the poster session starts!

Also to present the short PPT with the poster content description, in the virtual rooms in 5 minutes time slots (including Q and A), as scheduled in the Conference Program.


Given the hybrid format of this conference edition, the poster sessions will include two kinds of posters:
- printed posters (displayed on the panels) presented by the onsite participants
- electronic posters (uploaded in the website at Poster presentation section) presented by the online participants

Both onsite and online participants must prepare a short PPT (few slides) with the poster content description, that will be presented in the virtual rooms in 5 minutes time slots (including Q and A), as scheduled in the Conference Program.

The platform that will be used is Zoom, and the connection details will be announced shortly.

The plenary session will be held at Constanta Maritime University central site (Str. Mircea cel Bătrîn nr. 104).
All other sessions will be held Constanta Maritime University training site (Strada Cuarţului nr. 2).
The transfer between the two sites mentioned above will be provided by the university. The transfer schedule is announced here.

Please check the conference website next days for new and important announcements!


Dear authors,

We received 115 abstracts, and we thank you very much for your contributions!
We inform you that we will notify the authors regarding the acceptance of the paper starting with July 1, 2022.

Also the manuscript due date has been extended until August 1, 2022.
We remind you that all the submitted papers will be checked against plagiarism, and may be rejected if the similarity rate is too high.

On behalf of the Steering Committee,

Marian Vladescu
Conference Executive Manager


Due to the recent uncontrollable situation of the pandemic and in order to avoid any risks for participants, the ATOM-N 2022 Steering Committee has decided to change ATOM-N 2022 into a HYBRID FORMAT CONFERENCE on the dates originally scheduled (25 - 28 August 2022).

This will ensure a high-quality conference to be held independently of any restrictions that may apply in August 2022. The live format will allow interaction quite similar to an in-person conference. The digital format will give new possibilities, such as recording of presentations allowing to catch up presentations in parallel sessions.

Organizing details regarding the virtual, live format will be communicated soon, along with the digital requirements for participating at the interactive plenary, oral and poster sessions.