ATOM-N 2020 - Thank you for your participation!

20 - 23 August 2020, Constanta, Romania

The 10th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies"

Organized by

  • UPB-CCO - Optoelectronics Research Center from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
  • Constanta Maritime University


Virtual ZOOM conference rooms

<<< Conference Room A >>>

<<< Conference Room B >>>

Conference info line : to be announced...

*** Video - Oral Sessions ***

Opening & Plenary Session
Oral Session 1
Oral Session 2
Oral Session 3
Oral Session 4

***Video - Poster Sessions***

We kindly ask you to share your screen with your poster. You have 3 minutes for a short presentation, folowed by 2 minutes of questions from the audience. Thank you!

Poster Session 1 - Room A
Poster Session 1 - Room B
Poster Session 2 - Room A
Poster Session 2 - Room B
Poster Session 3 - Room A
Poster Session 3 - Room B

*** Video - Paper Awards & Closing Session ***

Paper Awards & Closing Session


Due to the recent uncontrollable situation of the pandemic and in order to avoid any risks for participants, the ATOM-N 2020 Steering Committee has decided to change ATOM-N 2020 into a fully VIRTUAL, LIVE CONFERENCE ON ZOOM PLATFORM on the dates originally scheduled (20-23 August 2020).

This will ensure a high-quality conference to be held independently of any restrictions that may apply in August 2020. The live format will allow interaction quite similar to an in-person conference. The digital format will give new possibilities, such as recording of presentations allowing to catch up presentations in parallel sessions.

Organizing details regarding the virtual, live format will be communicated soon, along with the digital requirements for participating at the interactive plenary, oral and poster sessions.

The conference fees will be adjusted accordingly. The new lower fees will be announced soon. Participants who have already paid the regular participation fees will be refunded with the difference paid, or they can receive a value voucher to be used at the next edition of the conference, at their choice.

The following journals published by SPIE welcome submission of expanded manuscripts of papers presented at ATOMN20 that present novel research on the topics that these journals cover. Each journal is covered by the Science Citation Index (or SCI-Expanded), Scopus, Ei Compendex, and other key indexes in its fields.

  • Optical Engineering (OE) is a continuously-published monthly journal that publishes articles on research and development in optical science and engineering and the practical applications of known optical science, engineering, and technology. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) is a continuously-published monthly journal that covers the use of modern optical technology for improved health care and biomedical research. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI) is a continuously-published quarterly journal that covers all technology areas of electronic imaging and the design, engineering, and applications of electronic imaging systems. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3) is a continuously-published quarterly journal covering the development of lithographic, fabrication, packaging, and integration technologies necessary to address the needs of the electronics, micro-optoelectromechanical systems, and photonics industries. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS) is a continuously-published online journal covering the concepts, information, and progress of the remote sensing community. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is a continuously-published online journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. See detailed information for authors.

  • Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE) is a continuously-published online journal on fundamental and applied research areas focused on the applications of photonics for \ renewable energy harvesting, conversion, storage, distribution, monitoring, consumption, and efficient usage. See detailed information for authors.

  • Information


      Please rename your poster file as found in Conference Final Program
      Ex. OMN100-xx

      *Note that the poster filename needs to be edited before publishing - it won't be visible imediately. We kindly recommend you to upload the file just once.
